Our Privacy Policy


We support your right to privacy. We have two guiding principles.

  1. We do not share your user name, your email address, or anything else that could identify you.

  2. You can request that we delete your account and personally identifiable information at any time.


Well Being for IBS Privacy Policy

In addition to agreeing to our privacy policy, you also agree to the terms and conditions of our Software License Agreement. Our Sofware License Agreement can be reviewed here.

This privacy policy describes which data and which personally identifiable data we collect from you, This privacy policy is subject to updates (As described below). The current policy became effective on June 1, 2021.

Your Consent

By installing our software, or services on an electronic device, you agree to the terms of our User License Agreement. You agree to read and understand the license agreement prior to using our software, or services. Use this link to review our User License Agreement.

You also give us consent to store your personally identifiable information and other information you store whenever you use the app. You have the right to ask us to stop storing your personally identifiable information by asking us to delete your account. You give us consent to preserve and aggregate information you entered in the app, as long as that preservation and aggregation do not include any of your personally identifiable information.

Personal Data

We store your names and your email address on our servers. We do not gather other personal identifiers without asking your express permission to do so. 

Journal Data

We back up your journal information to help you restore your journals to a new mobile device and to show you progress reports. We also collect and aggregate anonymous journal information from all users to improve our products and services.

Technical Data 

We collect information about the devices you use with our software, including the IP address provided by your network, your mobile device UDID and IMEI numbers, your operating system, browser type, and screen size. This information is used to ensure your device is compatible with our software, and for technical support and system reliability.


We may store cookies (small text files hosted by your web browser) on your computer or mobile device to improve your experience with our websites or mobile apps. 

You may refuse to accept cookies by changing the settings on your device to prevent cookies from being set. 

Internal Information Use 

Your name and email address are visible to certain accounting and technical systems, and personnel within our organization. Your journal information is not visible to these systems or persons. We segregate your journal information so it will not appear in these systems.

Legal Requirements

We will not disclose personally identifiable information to any third party unless the law requires us to do so.

Email Messaging

We may be notified when you open an email from us or click on a link in an email. When you receive an email from us, you can opt-out of receiving further emails by following the included instructions to unsubscribe.

Research Data

We do not store or include your personally identifiable information in the data sets we create to understand trends, behavior patterns, and user practices. We do not store or include personally identifiable information with the data sets we create for research or marketing purposes. Aggregating data from users into anonymous data sets enable us to improve our products and services.

Data Analytics

We use software products and services provided by third parties to perform data analytics. No third parties have access to your personally identifiable information.

Corporate Events

When our corporation sells or buys businesses or business assets, both the sellers and buyers are obligated to adhere to our privacy policy. You have the right to ask for your personally identifiable information to be deleted before, during, or after any corporate event.

Storing your data

Your information is stored on your mobile device and on our secure servers.

When you log out of the app, your personally identifiable information remains on your mobile device unless you delete the app and remove your personally identifiable information from your mobile device.

Your password

We can not read your password and we cannot decrypt it for you if you forget it. If you forget your password, you will have to create a new password. It is our strong recommendation that you do not share your password with any person. You are solely responsible for keeping your password secure.  

We also do not store your credit or debit card information on our website or in our mobile app.

Your User Rights

Users of Well Being for IBS have certain specific rights regarding their information. The following sections describe some of those rights:

Right to access

You have the right to view all personally identifiable information the app has collected about you. That information is displayed at the top of the app’s main menu panel.

Right to accuracy

You have the right to correct any data errors relating to your personally identifiable information. The app enables you to modify that information.

Right to deletion

You have the right to request deletion of all your personally identifiable information, including any personally identifiable information stored on our servers. To request your personally identifiable information be deleted, please contact us at:
privacy@wellbeing-for-ibs.com. Unless there are legal requirements that we preserve your data we will attempt to fulfill your request in a timely manner.

Right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent for us to store or process your personally identifiable information at any time by contacting us at
privacy@wellbeing-for-ibs.com. If you withdraw your consent for us to store your personally identifiable information, the Well Being for IBS app will no longer have access to your stored journals and other information.

Data Breach

You have a right to know if any of your personally identifiable information has been stolen or revealed outside of our care. We will notify you by email if we become aware of a breach of security that affects your personally identifiable information.

Your Concerns

If you have any reason to believe your right to privacy has been violated or identifiable health information has been misused, please write to us at

Changes to our Privacy Policy

As time goes on it is likely we will revise this Privacy Policy, We reserve the right to amend it without notification. When we make changes, they will be effective immediately and posted on the wellbeing-for-ibs.com website.

Your continued use of the Well Being for IBS App and wellbeing-for-ibs.com website constitutes your agreement with each subsequent  Privacy Policy when it is published. We will attempt to keep you up to date on changes by sending you an email announcement.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or any other questions related to how we collect, store, manage or delete information, write to us at:
